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EFT for Infectious Mono Rash & Hives

Updated on May 2, 2011

This article concerns the hives and rash that often accompany infectious mononucleosis. I recently worked with an 18 year old female who experienced hives (and other symptoms which I will write additional articles on) and I'm going to tell you how she got rid of the hives in less than 10 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly. If you'd like to know more, keep reading. This is not magic and this is not medicine, this is simply allowing your body to sort your symptoms out in the most natural way possible. But first, let's talk about mono itself for a moment. If you're not familiar with EFT, please read this article on EFT first.

Mono Rash

The mono rash can vary from person to person and it can sometimes show up due to medications. As a general rule, it's very light in color, goes away fairly quickly, and does not itch -- the "does not itch" part is very significant, as reactions to medications tend to itch.

Mono Hives

Mono hives can look quite similar to what you'd experience while having an allergic reaction to a medication -- so if you do experience hives or a rash, particularly if you've got other symptoms associated with an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, hands or other areas, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, vomiting, etc) then you'd be well advised to see a doctor to first make sure you're not having a reaction to something else. This article in no way advises treating a medical condition with EFT, but rather using EFT to minimize and/or get rid of the hives and rash that are often associated with it.

Polarity Reversal Demonstration

We started with an EFT polarity reversal, because this girl has spent most of her life hearing her mother tell her that she's got a very bad immune system and that she's prone to being ill. This is clearly not the case, but the girl believed it anyway. That was the first obstacle, so we started there. The following EFT formula we used: (please view the video if you're not clear on what EFT is or how to do it)

Part One: EFT Polarity Reversal for Believing You've Got a Bad Immune System

  • Even though I believe that I've got a bad immune system, for whatever reason, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I don't think I can have a good immune system, for whatever reason...
  • Even though it may not be safe to have a good immune system...
  • Even though I don't think I can change my immune system....
  • Even though I don't know how to be healthy....
  • Even though I don't really want to be healthy....
  • Even though I'm afraid to be healthy....
  • Even though it may not be safe to be healthy.....

General EFT Demonstration

The results:

When the 18 year old girl I mentioned at the start of this article showed me her the hives on her wrists, legs, waist, arms and back, they were hot pink in color with and, to put it in layperson terminology, spanned about 2 inches across and were swollen about 1/2 above skin level. It did not itch, hurt, or otherwise bother her, and she had no symptoms of anaphylactic shock. We also knew she had infectious mono because she'd been diagnosed with it a week prior.

After 1 round of EFT the wrist swelling (which had been the most pronounced) was completely gone and only a light pink color remained -- and that color returned to normal on its own within the hour. That 1 round of EFT also completely healed all the other hives (there were 6 or 7 in total, each approximately the size of a silver dollar) leaving only a very, very light pink color that cleared up within the hour as well.

Image: graur razvan ionut /

Part Two: EFT for Clearing Up Mono Hives and Rash

(Obviously, you can adapt the phrasings to your own needs.)

  • KC: Even though I've got these hives, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. (3x)

  • TH: I've got these awful hives because I have a bad immune system.

  • EB: I deserve to have these hives because I've got mono.

  • SE: I'm supposed to be ill because I've got a bad immune system.

  • UE: My mother has always told me I have a bad immune system so it must be true.

  • UN: My doctor told me that I will be very ill for months, so that must be true, too.

  • CH: Some people have good immune systems, but I'm not that lucky.

  • CB: I'm supposed to be ill because I have a bad immune system.

  • UB: Even though I'm actually pretty healthy and am almost never ill, I know I have a bad immune system anyway, because my mother told me so.

  • UA: I have these awful hives, so I know for sure that I have a bad immune system.

  • WR: I have mono, so I know for sure I have an awful immune system.

  • TH: I know other people can get over mono quickly, but not people like me.

  • IF: But what if I could?

  • MF: What if I could get rid of these hives right now?

  • PF: What if I could get rid of mono today?

  • Full Gamut: Internalize thoughts of getting over the illness and improving the immune system from the perspective of "what if I could?"

  • TH: What if I don't really have a bad immune system after all?

  • EB: What if I'm already healthy?

  • SE: What if these hives and this mono are already getting better on their own?

  • UE: What if my mother was wrong?

  • UN: What if I'm actually just as healthy as all the other people who heal quickly from illness?

  • CH: What if I could get over mono in just a day or two instead of waiting weeks?

  • CB: Even though I've always believed I have a bad immune system and deserve to be ill, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

  • UB: Even though part of me doesn't want to be healthy, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

  • UA: Even though I don't really believe EFT can work for me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

  • Wr: Even though I don't really believe it's possible, I thank the universe for healing me now.

  • Th: Even though I don't really believe it's possible, I thank my higher self for healing me now.

  • IF: Even though part of me wants to be ill and part of me wants to be healthy, I deeply and completely love both parts of myself.

  • MF: Even though I don't really believe it's possible, I thank the universe for healing me now.

  • PF: Even though I don't really believe it's possible, I thank my higher self for healing me now.


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